Monday, February 2, 2009

A "Normal" Week

This past weeks seems so crazy for the wee Hamby house. Someone at our church preschool got the flu, so I worked four mornings until noon. There was a few babysitting swaps to "re-pay". Paige and Claire had some friends over for dinner and play. Basketball practice and games for P & C. Grocery shopping, because, oh my goodness, we were down to a crust of bread and two cheese singles. Plus the regular work for Brant and church and church meetings. Brant got Ava's room wired and one sheet of drywall hung. Just plain craziness crammed into seven days. I know this is a mere normal week for the rest of the world, but we are so unaccustomed to the rush. Is this what the rest of my life is to look like? A swirl of taxi-ing kids and eating in shifts. Lordy, I hope not.

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