Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Two Big Additions

Since we now live on a little over an acre, all I'd heard about since the move is how we "need" a dog. Everyone but me "needed" to have this dog. We picked up an eight week old Weimer on Saturday. His name is Brom, and he is a cute little booger. All ears and paws. Paige and Ike are in Heaven. Claire just likes having another family member to parent over. Ava is adjusting to the idea of a dog, as long as he doesn't invade her space. I'm looking forward to having a walking buddy, and Brant dreams of some hunting helper. Hmmm -- can this guy be all that?

The other addition is the new play fort. Brant designed it, and I helped build. Really, I was even proud of us on this one. I cut about 60% of the boards for this. I helped hold and level. All kinds of handiness came pouring out of me. Just after we got it built the temperature crept up, so it mainly gets played on in the evening and early morning. Still a fun project -- now on to some things on MY list please.