Monday, February 15, 2010

Home Tour 1 -- P & C

I thought I'd share some home pics with those who haven't seen it yet. Before really judging the kids' rooms, please know that the kids are allowed to choose their own room color. It is the one bribe of moving -- you can make your room any color you want. That said, this is Paige and Claire's room. They choose acid green with some crazy striping. I hated this room while I was painting on the green. It literally hurt my eyes. I would leave the room to answer the phone or check on laundry, and my eyes would have that temporary I out-in-the-sun-too-long sensation. After we got the stripes on and brought in their stuff, I really like this room. It's fun, I really think I would have loved it at 9.

Because they are sharing, the girls got the largest of the three kid's rooms. They had enough room left over to have a pull-out couch in their room. Now the couch is a bit well loved from another home (thanks U.R. and A.L). The girls thinks it's so sweet, and don't even mind my lame temporary "cover". They read books there every evening.
The closet, though, is enough to make me jealous. We haven't really done too much with it, but there are plans. It's a small room. There are hanging racks and shelves on both sides. They even play "office" in here sometimes, which is why there is a chair. Now, when we get to my room you will see why I am seethingly jealous of their closet. The only reason P & C are not in the master is because I wanted the room with the bathroom.
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