Sunday, February 21, 2010

P & C Baptism

What a day! Paige and Claire were baptised today at our church. Brant had a huge speech prepared. So many things he was going to talk about. About how we were so blessed to have twins. About how we had prayed for their salvation from the very instance we saw their sweet, little faces. About how special they were and how they had matured so much since they day of the choice to follow Jesus. BUT as soon as the part came were he went to hold his little girls' hands and announce their salvation, he could barely get the basics out.
It's just such an emotional event. I don't know that they fully grasp all that their decision means, but they know that they will try their best to live for Jesus. We have even talked about how this means that life will be a bit harder most of the time. I know even in their third grade way, being a Christian sets them apart. They don't pick on other kids or laugh when it would be the easy thing to do. It makes me proud to watch the ways that even a 9-year-old Christian can set themselves apart from the world.
Wet-haired and proud, Claire and Paige face a new day. It is nice that they have each other. What a comfort that would be when I was nine! I'm excited to see what God has for my girls.
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Jennifer said...

AWESOME! I can just picture the whole thing, even though we were not there. We talked about it that day and our thoughts were with you. What an exciting step in their walk with Jesus! I can just picture Brant blubbering. Sweet.

janew said...

Celebrating here!! I thank Jesus for dying for me, but soo much more thankful that He died for my kids!