Saturday, February 27, 2010

Home Tour -- Ike's Room

Isaak, came up with the colors and plans for his room. He did very will, especially for a boy. He's not really one for thinking out of the box as far as color though. He's my basic, little man -- blue jeans and a t-shirt.

He loved the idea of having the "I Like Ike" button on his wall. We looked them up online and studied about Eisenhower a bit. He decided all his colors should look "old". Most of Ike's furniture is found (a.k.a. dumpster diving) or given. A coat of paint does a lot

The coolest part about Ike's room is the nook were his bunk bed slides right in. All his precious Lego kits are up high on the shelf were his sisters and Brom can't get to them. He loves to tuck a blanket on the side of his bunkbed and make a secluded fort. Very fun to only let certain friends or sisters in (maybe Mom on a good day).
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