Monday, May 17, 2010

Clara Barton

My third graders are part of the Living History Musuem. Such a great idea. Each kid picks a historical hero they admire, someone who changed the world. Then they study that person and write a report. After that, they come up with a 30-60 second speech in first person perspective and dress-up just like their hero. The outfit must include an "on" button. Then as you travel around the museum, patrons can press the on button and the animatronics come to life.

Claire choose Clara Barton, the founder of the American Red Cross. She initially choose her because her name was Clara, but after she studied her, she was excited by this ladies path in life. A good way to round out the end of the year.

*Look for Sacagawea next week.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there! I love this costume. My daughter is doing her report on Clara Barton and would love this. Do you still have it and if so, would you be interested in selling?