Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dr. Suess!

Dr. Suess's birthday is such a huge event in kindergarten. I don't know why we can't recognize someone else besides the trippy, dippy Suess, but teachers love him. I think we need to have a Rosemary Wells's birthday party or maybe even Cynthia Rylant. Isaak and Ava are at one of my favorite points in parenting. They are beginning to read to me. I love this. It's such a fleeting phase. Once they have it downpat, it feels like work to read to Mom. I'll enjoy the showing-off while I can.
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1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Anna came home with that hat, too! Today she had to wear crazy socks, tomorrow she wears green (Green Eggs and Ham, I am assuming and Friday they wear their jammies to school and have family reading night at school. All the fun kindergarten stuff.