Monday, December 22, 2008

Smells too yummy here!

Started a bit of the baking for Christmas here. I'm saving the "kid" cookies for when Paige and Claire are out of school on Christmas Eve. We'll make sugar cookies or chocolate chip (or both) for Santa that day. I just wanted to get a head start so I didn't have too much help in the kitchen on one day. : ) New recipe this year -- ambrosia macaroons. They smell so delicious. Not just ordinary macaroons, these have a bit of orange peel in them and are drizzled with chocolate. Oh, yeah! These will be mine.

Also made a batch of fruitcake cookies. These always make me think of my Aunt Sue. I believe it's her recipe. I've switched it up and bit and added more of a fruit cake mix of fruit, instead of just cherries. Either way they are soooo yummy with coffee, but, really, what cookie isn't?

I also whipped up a quicky batch of crazy corn (puff corn coated in carmel). The kids love this, and I guess I do too, because I can't seem to quite shoving it in my face. Oiy, why did God make me love cooking so much. I just love all of it. Making it, baking it, eating it. So sad for my poor ever expanding behind!
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