Tuesday, December 9, 2008

First Snow Day in Iowa

It snowed about six inches last night. I'm stunned they called a snow day for such a normal amount of snow. I mean, I'm just from Illinois, and I could even handle this. Brant was thrilled to use his self-propelled, snow blower. It has been unboxed and ready for two months now. The pride beamed on his face as he made big swipes across our drive this morning. He came inside pink cheeked and puffing about how awesome that manly machine is. Too funny.
I love looking out the back at the snow. The deer popped by this morning rooting around in the usual spot I lay out apple cores and such. They are so tame and sweet. I feel bad having their kin in the freezer. But I'm trying to remain obtuse on the whole situation. The deer in the yard are my friends. The deer in the freezer were evil and over-populated -- they had to die.
The neighbor kids haven't quite gotten used to the fact that this lot is not public access. It never was public access. It was owned by the city. We bought it to prevent a park coming in, yet snow brought hoards of children zipping down the only safe hill in the neighborhood all day. Funny how all of a sudden the older kids came to the door to see if Paige and Claire could play. I just gave them a free pass without the pretense of "playing" with my 8-year-olds.
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