Saturday, December 20, 2008

Paige and Ava's Feast

We're doing a little something different for Christmas this year. Instead of the kids getting gifts for each other, they are throwing each other "feasts". I worked it around the idea of how Queen Esther served her family. The kids decided to join forces, so Paige and Ava went first. Ike, Claire, and Dad were banished to the basement. Appetizers were served in the toyroom, while the guests waited for everything to be set.

Paige and Ava's feast was to the theme of snow. They cut out paper snowflakes and hung them from the chandelier. The centerpiece was a bowl full of snowballs with a candle in the middle. Everything was white -- plates, tablecloth, napkins. We drank milk from fancy cups and ate stromboli (white on the outside : ) ). Paige and Ava cooked the whole meal, with minimal help. They even served everyone. So cute as Paige would hand out French Fries, Ava followed behind with ketchup. For dessert -- white cupcakes with white frosting.

I think everyone loved their part in the feast. Paige and Ava loved impressing everyone with their work, and all the attendees loved feeling so special. I feel this may be a new "tradition". Maybe next year, Brant and I will have to host a "feast" also.
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1 comment:

Jennifer said...