Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sewing Lessons

We've tried small projects before: pillows, doll quilts, pillowcase. These went well. Now we're on to doll clothes. These are not going so well. It's requiring a massive, tongue-biting, amount of patience on my part to make it through two sets of American Girl pajamas. All the best thoughts were there, but the excitment is starting to fade fast. I've cut the work down to a mere 20 minute session a day with each girl. This seems to be working, but these tiny pajamas (that I could whip out in under an hour), are now on day five.

However, I do feel a swell of pride as I look at my girls working hard and biting the tip of their tongue. Only truly skilled laborers do this (right, grandad?!). It always gives me a chuckle when little, odd, heredities show up in my kids.
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grandad said...

If you don't position the tongue correctly, the job quality will decrease proportionately!
Keep up the good work ladies!

janew said...

Love the tongue biting. It's the mark of an exceptional seamstress!