Saturday, January 7, 2012

Did you hear that?!

Paige and Claire hosted their feast to the theme of ELF.  We had spaghetti with syrup (on the side) and cups of candy to adorn the noodles (if you choose).  They cut out snowflakes and set up a "throne of lies" for any fake Santa's.  The kitchen was set up as the candy cane forest, with candy canes hanging for the ceiling fan and laying on the counter tops.

They even made Lego buildings.  Don't you love the color of the candy?

And. . . oh, yes, he did.  He didn't even throw up or anything.  We did all have stomache aches from eating way too many Jelly Bellies and gummy worms.  So worth it all, as we fell into a carbo coma on the couchPosted by Picasa

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