Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas Spirit

Brant's mom gave us a good kick start in the holiday spirit. She devised a countdown game to get us all thinking. Each gift we unwrap is a Christmas song title. Some are hard, some even the kids can get. This has been one of my favorite so far. Can you guess it? It's "O Holy Night". There's been a few tricky ones that sent us to the internet googling words to find a song title. Each day has the kids anticipating what Grandma will come up with next.
Another holiday spirit booster -- mailing Santa letters. I think this is the last year of all four believing. The older two are already playing it cool about the big, red guy. I've quashed a lot of questions with the simple theory of if-you-don't-believe-you-don't-recieve. This seems to be spark their enthusiasm in the magic pretty quickly. I know I can't keep their ideas simple forever, but why can't they just purely believe for a few more years that a fat man jumps down the chimney of his own volition to bring them whatever their heart desires in exchange for a few, measley cookies. Is that so wrong?
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