Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Snuggled Up Inside

Negative 11 today with a foot of blowy snow. The kids even had a "late start" day for school. This is some Iowa craziness. When it's so cold and drifty out, they start school two hours late to allow the plows to clear the roads. This also allows the rural emergency buses (a Suburban with a yellow sticker on the side that reads "bus") to go pick up the farm kids. Late start days are hard on my family, it's like a taste of a snow day, but only a taste. It soon ends with a flurry of getting on snow gear to head out to the bus stop.

All this cold, just has me wanting to snuggle up inside. I've been cleaning out "junk" lately. It feels good to get so much unused stuff out. For me it nears liberating; for Brant it nears panic. Poor man.
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