Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snow by the Foot

You know it's going to be a school-out day when you can't get the front door open. Mind you, our front door is on a step-up stoop with a small roof over it. Hmmm. Soooo glad we bought that huge snow blower. While Brant worked on the driveway (our huge, long, driveway, he points out), I cleared off the stoop and made a doggy tunnel so the dog could go potty.

With no school, some friends brought over their kids to play. They sledded and played for much of the afternoon while I worked on clearing away more snow.
Isaak doesn't so much enjoy playing in the snow as just eating it. Yuck! We constantly have to remind him not to eat the yellow snow. Not only our dog roams the yard, but deer, chipmunks, and a plethera of other woodland critters.
Paige and Gillian trying to make a fort. Very little success. It just stays so cold here that the snow is not really "moldable". We still haven't made a snow man. It's just like powder, and so squeaky.

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