Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to School

Well, all four of my little peas are back in school. All four, all day. Yeah. It feels a bit barren around here. I saved up a bunch of projects to work on, since I'm now "unemployed" for a large part of the day. I'm sure this lull will come to an end soon. The PTA seems to zoom in on volunteers: library helper, cookie day helper, reading tutor. Awana starts up next week. It will be back in full swing again soon.
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Friday, August 6, 2010

First Sleepaway Camp

A whole week without my hubby, and then a whole week without my girlies. Yikes! They loved it. I don't think they stopped talking the entire van ride home. And of course their counselor was a cutey, music teacher. How cool is that to a fourth grader. Even their CIT (counselor in training) was a cutie-pie teenager. They learned a load a games and songs. Crafts and candy. They can't wait for next year.
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Farm Fun

While Brant was in Haiti, we stayed with my parents for a few days. The kids love the farm. I think they would love to do more, but I've tried to explain that farm work is usually dangerous. Dad showed the kids some of his new additions. This poor, little guy was kind of a runt and had been bottle-fed, which meant he was fine with kids swarming around him. He was drawn to people in blue jeans, because blue jeans had meant dinner for a while. He was a sweet, patient fellow, but his mom gave the warning "moo" and we had to move on.

Besides baby cows, we went to play in the river. Always fun and dirty. I still have buckets of sand in the van carpet. We tried to pick blackberries, but had a misadventure and a poison ivy scare.

Also met a very, nice man who let my kids swim at his hotel for free. Don't worry. He was there to see my sister. It was a really great time with my brother and sister and neice and nephews. The kids are fascinated by their older cousins. They don't really know very many teenagers, so their strange habits are curious to my little peas.

The only blight to the weekend (besides no hubby) was that both my mom and dad weren't feeling well. They were sports about my troop rambling about, but I think the peace after we left was welcome.
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